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Oirase & Yakeyama

Limited time only! How about a locally-produced lunch prepared by a local chef?

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Limited time only! How about a locally produced lunch by a local chef at an important cultural property?

[Tour 1]

◆ Limited time only! A variety of local food lunch courses within the nationally designated important cultural property “Old Kasaishi Family”

The former Kasaishi Family Residence was designated as a nationally designated important cultural property in Showa 48 (1973) as a typical farmhouse building in this region built in the late Edo period. Special permission was obtained this time, and it was opened as a lunch venue.

◆ Japanese lunch at a popular local sushi restaurant

Enjoy sushi made with fresh fish and à la carte dishes made with local ingredients in a tasteful atmosphere with a hearth.

◆ Comes with sake, perfect for meals

We will provide local sake that matches the cuisine.

◆ Schedule

2023/11/9 (Thu), 11/10 (Fri), 11/13 (Mon), 11/16 (Thu), 17 (Fri), 18 (Sat)

◆Click here for tour details and registration↓

Japanese food menu using fish and local ingredients ♪ Various local food lunch courses by local chefs in an old folk house which is an important cultural property

※The photograph is an image.

[Tour 2]

◆ Limited time only! A variety of local food lunch courses within the nationally designated important cultural property “Old Kasaishi Family”

The former Kasaishi Family Residence was designated as a nationally designated important cultural property in Showa 48 (1973) as a typical farmhouse building in this region built in the late Edo period. Special permission was obtained this time, and it was opened as a lunch venue.

◆ Japanese lunch at a popular local sushi restaurant

Enjoy sushi made with fresh fish and à la carte dishes made with local ingredients in a tasteful atmosphere with a hearth.

◆ Comes with sake, perfect for meals

We will provide local sake that matches the cuisine.

◆ Apple harvesting experience

You can visit apple farmers, a specialty of Aomori, and tour the farm while learning about apples.

◆ Schedule

2023/10/30 (Mon), 11/2 (Thu), 11/3 (Fri), 11/6 (Mon), 11/8 (Wed)

◆Click here for tour details and registration↓

Local food lunch course+farming experience by a local chef in an old folk house which is an important cultural property

※The photograph is an image.

▶ List of nearby accommodations

Oirase Keiryu Hot Springs Area

Hoshino Resorts Oirase Keiryu Hotel ‍

Oirase Forest Hotel ‍

Nonohana Yakesanso ‍

Oirase Green Hotel ‍

Hachinohe Civic Recreation Center Senshinso ‍

Oirase Onsen lanterns and maple leaves ‍

Ryokan Yuuusou ‍

Guest house Keigetsu ‍

Hot Spring Guest House Nambuya ‍

Yakeyama House


Towada lakeside hot springs area

Hotel Towadasou

Towadako Seizantei

Towadako Yuzuki

Towada Lakeside Ouraku

▶ Frequently Asked Questions

▷ Regarding tour applications

Q: What are the payment methods?
A: Only credit card payments are accepted. Please be aware in advance.

Q: I want to change the date.
A: Since the reservation will be rearranged, please cancel it and make a reservation for the new date.

Q: I want to change the number of people.
A: Please contact the host company.

[Travel planning and implementation]

TOWADA TRAVEL (Towada Oirase Tourism Organization)

15-3 Inou-cho, Towada-shi, Aomori

TEL: 0176-24-3006 (9:00 to 17:00 excluding the year-end and New Year holidays)

Aomori Prefecture Governor Registered Travel Agent No. 3-162 ANTA Regular Member

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